***Note: This was originally filmed for IGTV, and it didn't upload there so am posting here. Thank you to all of you who watch these videos, like comment, share, and subscribe! Thank you for holding this space as one of empowerment and positivity. :) If you feel called to support my free readings and twin

***Note: This was originally filmed for IGTV, and it didn’t upload there so am posting here.

Thank you to all of you who watch these videos, like comment, share, and subscribe! Thank you for holding this space as one of empowerment and positivity. 🙂

If you feel called to support my free readings and twin work, here is the energy exchange positive karma donation link:

Current pricing: Love, career, life direction, relationships, etc. (Pricing is current at the time of this video posting, and is subject to change)

Video readings:
1 question (~10 minutes) – $44 ($66 for priority turnaround*)
3 questions (~ 30 minutes) – $77 ($99 for priority turnaround*)
5 questions ( ~ 60 minutes) – $111 ($166 for priority turnaround*)

Live guidance sessions – $133 – 1 hour live on Zoom or Skype. (You also receive an audio recording of the session) Includes channeling, cards, and guidance for you specifically, and you get support in areas you might be struggling, stuck, or not seeing something. Please email to set up a time. These are currently being scheduled within a week from when you request one.

Twin flame energy sessions $222 (Approximately 90 mins)
These are live sessions, where I take you through a meditative process to help clear past traumas, beliefs, or blocks to your readiness for union. You receive an audio recording of the session. These are currently being scheduled within approximately a week after requesting one.

* Priority turnaround is first come, first served. These are done in the order received (meaning once I get both your payment and your email with your situation and questions). Once I confirm your reading via email (usually within 10-12 hours of receipt of funds and your email with your details), your reading gets to the “front of the line” in the order received. Current priority turnaround is approximately 1-2 business days.

1. To order a private reading, simply use this link to pay: s

Please include in the payment note the type of reading you are paying for, and specify send funds to “friends and family” to email address [email protected]

Once I get the funds then I will do your reading for you on video. Readings are done in the order I receive them.

2. Please send me an email to [email protected] and include your name and your partner’s first name (if ordering a love reading). Last names are optional.

Also, please do include your story and situation, which will also help me tune into your energies do that you get the most from your reading. The more I know, the more I can read the messages specific to you. If it’s more of a blind reading, the reading ends up being more general in nature, because there are many ways to interpret the messages for different situations. Please also include in the email, what questions have. For example, with a 30 minute reading – I ask for 3 questions. 15 minutes 1, possibly 2 questions. 60 minutes we can get in depth on 4-5.

Feel free to send more questions, it’s always helpful for me to be on the lookout as often some of the additional ones can get answered as well.

3. I will send you an email confirming payment and turnaround for your reading, or schedule the live reading at that time with you if that is what you ordered.

I know some readers offer a “twin flame confirmation” yet I don’t feel it’s right for me to confirm whether someone is or is not your true twin – however, I do look in depth into the energies specific to your dynamic and situation (which often can support you in your heart knowing the answer). I like to be up front about that in case that is what you are seeking. 🙂

I’ll record the reading and send you a link when it’s ready. My current turnaround is approximately 4-6 business days.

Please email [email protected] with any questions!
In abundant love,
Crystal Rose Insights

*Readings are non-refundable and for entertainment purposes only. Prices are current as of date of video upload and are subject to change.

Debbie Olson
Debbie Olson

My name is Debbie Olson and I'm the proud founder and creator of the soulmate section on After spending years studying relationships and what makes two people truly compatible, I realized that many people are searching for their one true soulmate. That inspired me to create a space where people could connect with their perfect match.

With over a decade of experience studying human relationships and psychology, I've honed my skills at identifying what factors determine an unbreakable bond. I pour my heart and soul into every match I make, getting to know each member on a deep level. It's incredibly rewarding to receive testimonials from happy couples who found their soulmate here.

Articles: 4493


  1. Twice today in random ways the Empress showed up for me. Once was at a coffee shop where they used it as the sign they gave me to put on my table for when they brought my food. The second was at the bottom of a deck I had pulled out when doing a reading for a friend. I wasn’t even using that deck for her reading. I was just showing her the beautiful artwork.

  2. Yes recently im feeling left out. Bigtime. And exhausted. Up down up down emotions are not steady. Lol. I dont think union will ever happen.

  3. Its normal have these moments where you cry and think youre crazy with no reason? He is holding back but sometimes he express something little then he detach again

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