NEPTUNE, 12 HOUSE & SOULMATE in Astrology: Meaning, Significations & Manifestations. #astrology

❤️SOULMATE link with Neptune in dating/ intimacy astrology guidance start at: 53:38
Today, I want to discuss about the meaning, significations, manifestations and how to improve NEPTUNE energy in your astrology chart.
I mainly focus on the hard aspects of Neptune with your personal planets in the chart. My real life story & experiences dealing with Neptunian energy. How to “improve” the “not good” qualities of Neptune in your chart and work with the energy to transform your life to be better.

#astrology #neptune #soulmate


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✨For ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES only on Astrology, Spirituality, Psychology, Lifestyle, Vlog & Art.





✨My Vietnamese Youtube channel: Cô Giáo Chiêm Tinh New York
Link to my Vietnamese Youtube channel:

I have been on the path of self taught photographer/ editor and interior design for almost two years now since the pandemic started. The creativity helps me cope with my struggling times within the past year 2021. Through photography, I have found beautiful things when no one was here with me. Darkest times turn lighting. Fear turns courage.

Thanks for watching ♥️

Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research.

A lot of Love & Light✨🙏

Debbie Olson
Debbie Olson

My name is Debbie Olson and I'm the proud founder and creator of the soulmate section on After spending years studying relationships and what makes two people truly compatible, I realized that many people are searching for their one true soulmate. That inspired me to create a space where people could connect with their perfect match.

With over a decade of experience studying human relationships and psychology, I've honed my skills at identifying what factors determine an unbreakable bond. I pour my heart and soul into every match I make, getting to know each member on a deep level. It's incredibly rewarding to receive testimonials from happy couples who found their soulmate here.

Articles: 4741


  1. You're right about creativity and being open minded.
    I was raised by an Atheist/Agnostic father and a Christian mother. I can related to how you are with logic.
    Thanks for the video.

  2. I grew up christian. I am not christian anymore. This is the first time i heard about someones personal experience as an atheist. And I am surprised at how similar atheism is to Christianity. It actually sounds to me to be just like any other religion in that there is a set of rules that you are expected to follow and that you are outcast in a way if you choose to veer off of that model or stray outside of that box. I used to think that atheism was at least more free. But I guess there are instances where that doesn't seem to be the case.

  3. Hi. Just finished the video and wanted to mention some things! It's funny because my Mars is at 29 Sag conjunct Neptune exactly squaring your Mars. And my dad did the same thing. He wanted me to do nursing. And I actually went to nursing but after some time I told him I didn't want to do it and I was very direct with him. My Mars is in Sagittarius and yours is in Pisces and I just thought it was funny how we went about rebelling in different ways. (I am an Aquarius Moon)

    I know how you feel when you mentioned having a conversation with your brother and him not being able to understand why you can't do what you know that you should and that you know that it is easy for him to say those things because you know astrology and you know his chart. I can relate to that. I know you are atheist but I just wanted to share my belief with you if you don't mind.

    It is my belief that a lot of times we are meant to have experiences in this world to put us through the amount of crap that we need to go through in order to bring us to a place (Pluto) where we finally choose to choose ourselves first and foremost, then we become ready to make the decisions we know are best for us. It is all a big journey and we are always a work in progress. And if we are attracting soulmates that represent Neptune and Pluto in the ways we don't prefer to experience Neptune and Pluto, it is only until we actually make the decision to reject those people or things – multiple times – until we can experience Pluto and Neptune in the ways that love. (I love Neptune and Pluto too and hate them at the same time lol)

    P.S. Kala software does have the outer planets. All you have to do is go to options – chart/screen options – and check mark: "display outer planets" to the right side.

    Just wanted to share my thoughts. I hope you don't mind. With love.

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