MANIFEST SOULMATE LOVE – Guided Meditation with Gabriel Gonsalves

This video is about Most Powerful Meditation for Attracting a Soulmate Relationship using the power of your heart (Attract Love Meditation)


If you listen to this video for 28 days in a row, you will increase the probability of attracting true love and lasting romance. The key is to set the intention to connect heart to heart and soul to soul with your soulmate and feel the feelings you would feel if it was 100% true that you are with your One. Doing this will prime you so that while you are in the meditation you easily bring the feelings of love, and being whole to this process.

00:00 Introduction
00:48 Meditation Starts
17:00 Closing Words

If you enjoyed this guided meditation and would like to invest in your love life by purchasing the complete program, you can get it here ➡ e

Partial Transcript

To begin, please put one hand over heart and say:
I (say your name) now choose to open my heart and welcome true love into my life.

Begin to breathe into your heart, slowly, deeply, and evenly. Letting your body relax more and more with each breath, into the love that is within your heart, the energetic center of our bodies where True Love resides.

Now, think of a person or a time in your life when you felt loved, safe, and open. A time when you were in the presence of someone who loved you unconditionally, and accepted you just as you are. This could be a parental figure, a grandparent, a pet, or a small child. As you think of this person, and remember what it felt like to be in their presence, let this feeling of love open your heart, and begin to spread like a wave through your body. Imagine that, with each breath, this love travels from your heart in every direction.

Now, send out a call to the Universe, for your Soulmate to come into your life. Your soulmate is someone who is meant just for you, and you for him or her. Connect heart to heart, soul to soul right now, knowing that this is a real connection. Feel him or her, as you invite them into your heart and that special place you’ve created for them. Say to them, ‘It’s time for us to be together. I’m ready to welcome you into my life’. With each breath, feel that you’re opening to his or her love, your heart expanding, more and more

Feel what it feels to have this person right now in your life. Imagine that you’re lying on the bed next to each other and that you’re embracing them in such a way that you cannot see their face, but you can feel them deeply. Feel the electrical thrills as your bodies touch. Feel what it feels to cuddle with them as you kiss them gently on their back.

Imagine what it feels like, looks like, and sounds like to have this person in your life. The thrill of meeting them for the first time, your first kiss, your first movie together, and the first time you made love. Imagine what it’s like to wake up in the morning next to them. Feel the love that exists between the two of you, the feelings of safety, and a deep sense of belonging you have when you are together. You are a perfect fit for each other.

As you’re lying in each other’s arms, imagine all the activities you and your Soulmate will be doing together. See yourself having dinner with them. Imagine all the places you’ll be visiting, the places you’ll be traveling, and the adventures you’ll be sharing together. See yourself going to the beach, to the park, to the mountain and you hold hands, and feel the excitement of being with each other.
This relationship is unlike any relationship you’ve ever had. In this relationship, you can be yourself. This person you’re now with is someone who accepts you fully and completely as you are. In this relationship, you can both be fully present, real, connected, and heart-directed when you are with each other.

Now, take a moment to fully embrace this person, allowing them to fill that new space that you created in your heart. Imagine that you are holding them tighter, with your body, your heart, and your soul, and invite this person in. Say to them, ‘It’s time. I am now ready and willing to welcome you into my heart. I’m ready to love you and accept you unconditionally. I choose this. I commit to this. I can’t wait to share my life with you!’

Music for Manatees Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Please note: This guided meditation was inspired by the work of Dr. Michael Beckwith, Arielle Ford, Kathryn Alice, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and the Institute of HeartMath. It uses an original script I created specifically for this purpose.

#meditation #soulmate #lawofattraction #twinflame

Debbie Olson
Debbie Olson

My name is Debbie Olson and I'm the proud founder and creator of the soulmate section on After spending years studying relationships and what makes two people truly compatible, I realized that many people are searching for their one true soulmate. That inspired me to create a space where people could connect with their perfect match.

With over a decade of experience studying human relationships and psychology, I've honed my skills at identifying what factors determine an unbreakable bond. I pour my heart and soul into every match I make, getting to know each member on a deep level. It's incredibly rewarding to receive testimonials from happy couples who found their soulmate here.

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